Droid RAZR Forum - Motorola Droid RAZR Community - Droid Ultra and Droid Ultra Maxx http://www.razrforums.com/forum/ Forum dedicated to the general discussion of the Ultra and Maxx en Tue, 22 Mar 2016 08:33:59 GMT vBulletin 60 http://www.razrforums.com/forum/images/styles/DarkCore/misc/rss.png Droid RAZR Forum - Motorola Droid RAZR Community - Droid Ultra and Droid Ultra Maxx http://www.razrforums.com/forum/ had to repair my Droid Maxx today http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-ultra-droid-ultra-maxx/4146-had-repair-my-droid-maxx-today.html Mon, 21 Mar 2016 03:07:35 GMT This eveNing, I fell in the bathroom With my Droid Maxx on me. Sadly the screen partially shattered. I took both my Ultra and Maxx apart and put the... This eveNing, I fell in the bathroom With my Droid Maxx on me. Sadly the screen partially shattered. I took both my Ultra and Maxx apart and put the Ultra digitiser/screen on my Maxx. I prefer my Maxx over my Ultra, So I chose to fix my Maxx. When I got my Maxx as a gift I discovered the motherboArd was faulty. I couldn't return it, as it was too late. I deciDed that I would love my Maxx, regArdless of any issues is having. So far my DROID Maxx is working, which is a good thing. I am not encouraging anyone to take apart their phones. I have experience in taking phones apart, therefore I know what I'm doing and am careful with the delIcate parts in them. This was the first time I ever shattered a phone. HopeFully it will be the last time this happens. ]]> Droid Ultra and Droid Ultra Maxx Droidlynnxdoes http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-ultra-droid-ultra-maxx/4146-had-repair-my-droid-maxx-today.html Droid Maxx speakerphone not working well http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-ultra-droid-ultra-maxx/4138-droid-maxx-speakerphone-not-working-well.html Sun, 28 Feb 2016 02:40:38 GMT The other day I was shoveling compost whilst talking on my Droid Maxx and dropped it in the compost heap. Then later when I was in the house talking,... The other day I was shoveling compost whilst talking on my Droid Maxx and dropped it in the compost heap. Then later when I was in the house talking, I noticed the speakerphone volume was too low even at full blast. idk how to fix this other than taking Maxxii apart, which I would prefer not to do. I can live with this issue if I have to. Maxxii also has a defective motherboard that causes the power button to quit working unless I reboot it, if I press the volume up button. At some point, I will have to replace the motherboard, but I am holding off for as long as I can. Thnx, Droidlynn ]]> Droid Ultra and Droid Ultra Maxx Droidlynnxdoes http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-ultra-droid-ultra-maxx/4138-droid-maxx-speakerphone-not-working-well.html