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2013-08-15 8:58pm by: DroidModderX
Verizon has taken measures to lock down the Galaxy S4, but as quick as they are to do this they are slow to update. No problem. If you have not accepted the VRAUME7 you can still install the Loki hacked recovery. With a custom recovery you will be able to flash any of the awesome new... [Read More]
2013-08-15 8:40pm by: DroidModderX
I have been seeing screenshots of the upcoming theme by theme dev dave kover all over twitter and Google plus. NOX has really been getting lots of buzz and for good reason. This is mostly an icon theme, but includes some other elements mainly some sweet wallpapers. These icons have to be some of my favorite ever. They are like no other... [Read More]
2013-08-15 1:50pm by: dgstorm
Here's a news piece with an embedded deal alert. Apparently Verizon hasn't copyrighted the use of the color red after-all. Ironically, Sprint will be getting the first exclusive Red HTC One smartphone, and not "Big Red." Not only that, but Sprint decided to inaugurate this "crimson" victory by offering a BOGO deal on the same... [Read More]
2013-08-15 1:30pm by: dgstorm
We have a fresh new Nexus 5 rumor for you guys today. This one hails straight out of Korea and pegs LG to once again take of up the mantle of Nexus production. Just as before, this time LG & Google will loosely base the Nexus 5 on their existing flagship, namely the G2. It will several identical characteristics, but will also have some... [Read More]
2013-08-15 9:50am by: dgstorm
One of the most talked about features for the new Moto X is the customization options in Moto Maker. Motorola doesn't want its fans to forget the myriad of combinations capable for the device, and they are keeping that fact in the forefront by offering an entertaining little Facebook contest. This contest lets users vote on what... [Read More]
2013-08-15 9:35am by: dgstorm
Sprint is now offering customers a Samsung Galaxy S4 that will be a bit more unique. Just like with the SGS3 before, the Now Network is offering a violet colored SGS4. They call it "Purple Mirage," which sounds like something out of an eighties Prince video. The phone is pretty much identical to the other versions except... [Read More]
2013-08-15 9:20am by: dgstorm
Although this isn't exactly Android related news, it is Google related geek entertainment that we thought some of you would appreciate. Apparently, some crafty Googlers got a chance to "sneak into the TARDIS" and create a Google Maps easter egg of its main control room and a bit more.
There is a specific spot... [Read More]
2013-08-15 9:04am by: dgstorm
Motorola just launched their new Moto X, and one of it's most intriguing features is the Moto Maker customization options. While Motorola was obviously the first to market with an idea like this, according to some leaked intel, they were not the first to explore it. HTC actually has that distinction. According to a report from The Verge, HTC was... [Read More]
2013-08-15 8:49am by: dgstorm
It has been an open secret that Samsung will again release two different versions of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. One version will have the octa-core Exynos 5420 and the other will have the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800. While both versions will sport 3GB of RAM, the country/region you live in will determine which CPU configuration... [Read More]
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