
Vehicle Dock Issues

This is a discussion on Vehicle Dock Issues within the Droid RAZR Accessories forums, part of the Droid RAZR Forum category; I just got my Razr so just like my OG Droid and Bionic before it I bought the OEM Motorola vehicle dock. I loved the ...

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  1. #1
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    Vehicle Dock Issues

    I just got my Razr so just like my OG Droid and Bionic before it I bought the OEM Motorola vehicle dock. I loved the functionality of the dock with the first two phones but I'm greatly dissapointed with this one. Or maybe it's malfuntioning?

    When I first put the phone into the dock it wants to open Verizon Navigation over top of the dock menu...Sometimes. I'm assuming that's a stupid Verizon bloatware programming thing that I can't get around without rooting so I just press 'decline" at the License Agreement box and it goes away. But then it will come back when I remove the phone from the dock...Sometimes.

    The second issue I have with it is the phone screen won't stay on unless the charger is plugged into it. That was never a condition with the first two I used. I've searched everywhere I can think to look to fix this but have come up empty.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
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    Let me preface my statement with this comment: I don't have a dock so I may be talking completely out of my butt on this.

    I won't try to speculate about the dock causing your phone to go to VZW navigation other than to suggest you check to see what is set as your default. When I first started using the navigation functions on the phone it always asked me for my preference until I set Google as my default.

    For the screen issue, you might try setting up a Smart Action using the Navigation Dock as the trigger for the action. You can then determine what actions you want to follow. It doesn't look like by passing the screen timeout is one of the options but you can have one of the actions to be starting an application (like Keepwake, Screeble, or Stay Awake). As I type, however, Keepawake and Stayawake may be widgets and probably won't work in the Smart Actions.
    but Screeble may. Worst case, you can download one of the widgets and put it on "Stay Awake" until you get out of your car.

    Hope this helps a little.
    Last edited by ToeJamm; 10-15-2012 at 01:18 PM.
    Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
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  3. #3
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    To elaborate on what ToeJamm said, check if VZ Nav is the default. Go to Settings > Applications > All. Find VZ Navigator and scroll down to see if it is set for a default for docking. If it is, clear defaults.

    The next time you dock your phone, it may ask you what action you would like to use, select car dock.
    fury� - not helping the situation since 1987




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