
Battery life on JELLY BEAN ?

This is a discussion on Battery life on JELLY BEAN ? within the Droid Razr JB General Discussion forums, part of the Droid Razr JellyBean Forum category; Not really sure I'll get an answer to this question or not. LOL For those on the official OTA Jelly Bean hows your battery life ...

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Thread: Battery life on JELLY BEAN ?

  1. #1
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    Battery life on JELLY BEAN ?

    Not really sure I'll get an answer to this question or not. LOL For those on the official OTA Jelly Bean hows your battery life been on your Maxx ?
    Last edited by 1coopgt; 03-09-2013 at 07:54 AM.

  2. #2
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    There may not be enough people on JB yet for you to get much of a response. I think they just began the soak test with Razr Maxx volunteers yesterday (or day before).
    Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1coopgt View Post
    Not really sure I'll get an answer to this question or not. LOL For those on the official OTA Jelly Bean hows your battery life been on your Maxx ?
    I installed it last night... thankfully Titanium worked, once I put in the backup folder path. (JB renames the internal and external SD card named to "sdcard0" and "sdcard1", throwing things off, but every release sees that sort of change.)

    So far I think battery life is better, though I've seen some random sluggishness with gameplay. I don't know what the phone is doing in the background, but I've frozen crap apps like Facebook and others.

    I'll have a better estimation in a couple days... but, based on what I've seen so far, with wifi and 4g enabled, battery life does show some improvement...

    Oh, after a gaffe with rooting, I did a factory reset - then redoing the root I found the script doesn't work on Macs. Thankfully the process worked on my Win8 PC...

    I also downloaded the 338MB file as opposed to OTA...

  4. #4
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    I'm in the same boat as dpcole. I downloaded the OTA manually on battery (over wifi), and applied it from stock recovery with about 60% battery once I was up and running. I just posted my issues that I've noticed here.
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    Re: Battery life on JELLY BEAN ?

    I've had no battery issues. Still easily outlasting 24 hours with moderate use, 3 months later.

  6. #6
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    I plan to do a battery calibration to try it out and see what I can get out of it. I feel like Google Now could eat up some battery, but so far it seems ok.
    fury™ - not helping the situation since 1987

  7. #7
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    i just uploaded my maxx to the Xmas JB, right about now i think i am about the same. its seems like less but im on hte phone more today since its my day off.

  8. #8
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    Battery life update:

    At 7:41, when my parrots woke me up, the battery % readout stated "99%". I then unplugged it from the charger.

    Between 7:41AM and 12:41PM, I've seen 9% of battery life go down, and that is with 4G active in the background. SetCPU is set to do 1200MHz max/300min.

    Do note: I had a 45 minute call this AM, and 4% of battery life was used. (I usually see 6% for a similar timeframe, and that was before I installed the Good app (see more below).)

    Do note: I usually don't have phone calls, or make them, so this is on par with the 1~2% usage per hour while idle but with the 4G radio active. Closer to 1% with the current stats.

    Before, I would see 2~3% usage drop per hour (idle) and I could get 2 or 2.5 workdays days from a single recharge on average.

    One other note: I have the Good App (remote mail client) running. Since I received an email from Verizon saying my plan changed and how Good said I had to reactivate since updating, Good is probably not running in the background, despite "Persistent mode active" being shown for its status right now. I'll be reactivating that tomorrow.

    It's still early in the game, but more evidence is starting to show that - at least while idle and marginally so while blabbling on the phone - there is a noticeable increase in battery life. (I recall Ice Cream Sandwich being a real sucker of battery life (as opposed to Gingerbread), and how Jelly Bean was supposed to be faster and more efficient.

    Still the occasional keyboard sluggishness (using the default keyboard, no Swype), but JB on Razr Maxx is a big plus.
    Last edited by dpcole72; 03-10-2013 at 11:56 AM. Reason: clarification in first paragraph

  9. #9
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    Here's my battery stats from yesterday, a full day of use (~12pm-4am, minus one hour for DST). Screen on time was about 5 hours. I was streaming Pandora over bluetooth for about 7-8 hours while I was at work. I was basically on wifi for all but maybe 90 minutes yesterday. Have wifi at home, drove to work (first gap), have wifi all day at work, drove home (second gap), resumed wifi.

    fury™ - not helping the situation since 1987

  10. #10
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    Ok a little back ground why I asked the question in the first place and maybe this will help others. I Received JB Thursday AM as part of the soak test but without being able to give feedback on the feedback forum . There is suppose to be a survey tonight or tomorrow . At first I knew I was playing with the phone quite a bit checking to make sure everything was working fine which it was. Got home and charged the phone back up. Sadly I should have done some screen shots but oh well. With in a couple of hours I was down to 80 % and hadn't even used the phone. Hmmm If I remember right I then charged the phone back up to 100 % and soon after went to bed. When I woke up in the morning I was down to 60 % and when I posted the original post I was down 50%. All with out using the phone other than checking the battery . So after posting I threw it back on the charger again. In the mean time I was search for answers .

    Finally I decided to try clearing the cache. This seems to have fixed the battery drain I was seeing .

    2013-03-10 15.23.22.png2013-03-10 15.22.31.png
    Last edited by 1coopgt; 03-10-2013 at 01:55 PM.




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