
Nokia BH-803? Stereo Bluetooth Headset Connects but doesn't work...Any ideas?

This is a discussion on Nokia BH-803? Stereo Bluetooth Headset Connects but doesn't work...Any ideas? within the Droid RAZR Maxx forums, part of the Droid RAZR Forum category; I could have the number slightly wrong but I'm assuming since my skyfish (whatever it's name is)worked that there is an incompatability issue with this. ...

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  1. #1
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    Nokia BH-803? Stereo Bluetooth Headset Connects but doesn't work...Any ideas?

    I could have the number slightly wrong but I'm assuming since my skyfish (whatever it's name is)worked that there is an incompatability issue with this. It connects but will not play any music. The music, even on different players, just sits there with no time going by but in a few minutes it pauses. Properties has both Phone and Media checked. Bluetooth connects and acts like it is going to work. If I finally get a music player to work it just plays through the phone speaker.

    Has anyone found a work around? Verizon just said it's incompatable.

    It works with my laptop so for the cheap price I can use for that just seeing if there is any solution anyone has found.

    Just to be clear, I paired and unpaired many times. There is no where to put in a pairing code. I went by the directions and reset it several times. My other stereo bluetooth hooked up despite it hooking up differently after the upgrade to Jellybean.

    Thanks everyone for all your support.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    Sorry, I have never owned a Nokia headset nor have a work around for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I had the same thing happen to mine this week . Not the same BT headset though. When I would turn it on it would say paired but without media . I tried un-pairing the BT first and that didn't work and then re-pairing the BT headset . Next I cleared the phone cache then re-paired the BT that seems to have worked. I'm thinking a app update mucked up the BT but I don't know which app.

    Hope that helps . Good luck

  4. #4
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    Cleared, unpaired, paired and still no go. So I'm giving it a fail with Razr Maxx.Great on laptop though.




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