For anyone interested Amazon has 6ft Mini HDMI to HDMI for real cheap . I didn't want the Motorola one cause it was only 3 ft long . This should fit the bill nicely .
This is a discussion on HDMI Cable . within the Droid RAZR Accessories forums, part of the Droid RAZR Forum category; For anyone interested Amazon has 6ft Mini HDMI to HDMI for real cheap . I didn't want the Motorola one cause it was only 3 ...
For anyone interested Amazon has 6ft Mini HDMI to HDMI for real cheap . I didn't want the Motorola one cause it was only 3 ft long . This should fit the bill nicely .
Ordered. Nice find man
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I use the cable from my DX. I think it's a 6 footer. I believe it was bundled with my home dock when I got that for my DX at launch for about $40.
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
Yea never bought the home dock for my X . Sooo .......
Still a great find for those that need a cable, I was just saying that the cable for the X does work, even though it says on the box that it is for the X, and I'm guessing a lot of people think that since the box says DX it won't work with the RAZR, etc. I'd even be willing to bet that there's more than a few VZW sales reps that will tell you to get one for the RAZR to make a few more bucks on the sale.
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
They also sell em ridiculously cheap on eBay. I've bought a few from there...
Got this baby today, and it works perfectly, and seems just as good of quality as any other I've seen. At less than 3$(including shipping), awesome buy
Last edited by Cbollo; 06-08-2012 at 06:12 PM.
HTC Droid Incredible(Backup)
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Motorola Droid RAZR (Current)
I just dug my oem micro to full HDMI Cable up from the grave today it's already connected to my TV no I got it for less than $6 on Amazon when I had my Droid x now to just wait for UPS to deliver my RAZR maxx hd
I bought mine from Amazon also. Great prices. I've mirrored a bunch of movies on the big screen TV. Haven't tried running it through my Bose surround sound yet...but maybe I should.