Here's some screen shots too.
Sorry if they're huge, not sure what the resolution is in tablet mode...
This is a discussion on Moto lapdock 49!!!!!! within the Droid RAZR Accessories forums, part of the Droid RAZR Forum category; Here's some screen shots too. Sorry if they're huge, not sure what the resolution is in tablet mode... Screenshot_2013-04-20-17-14-19.png Screenshot_2013-04-20-16-03-15.png Screenshot_2013-04-20-15-39-59.png...
Here's some screen shots too.
Sorry if they're huge, not sure what the resolution is in tablet mode...
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
I plugged in my Fitbit One with it's USB dongle and it charged it. Not sure if it would charge a different device any differently if it drew more power. I will surely investigate and post results.
I plugged in a USB mouse today and it is MUCH nicer than the track pad. It's really too bad they bailed on this. It has some really thoughtful features like disabling the trackpad when the mouse is plugged in, and the ability to force phone mode instead of tablet mode for apps that aren't designed for tablets.
I don't regret this purchase one bit, and will surely use it daily, likely at work and on vacations. REALLY wish I had it on the plane last week. The flight home from Phoenix would have been more tolerable if I could have been watching movies on this 10" screen instead of the phone screen.
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
Nice to know it may be able to charge other devices.
For $50 it is a good value but the original price of $250 was too rich for most people.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
After a full day of use, I am in love. I feel bad to keep talking about it, but I feel like I just got a whole new device. I used the lapdock with my Razr Maxx all day today and it worked like a champ. I took it off the charger last night before bed (it was full), and docked the phone around 2pm today. I've used it all day for light browsing, Twitter, solitaire (A LOT of solitaire), reddit, and a few videos. The battery is at 17% on the dock, phone is at 70% and has been for quite a while (not depleting. (I read somewhere that it had settings for battery prioritization for phone/dock, but haven't found the setting yet..)). I plugged it in for probably about 1-1.5 hours total when I took a shower and while I ate dinner.
This is easily a full laptop replacement for me, with the exception of very few things I still need Windows for (device syncing over USB), but I can leave my laptop tucked away in a closet to sync (wirelessly to the dongle) and use the lapdock daily.
If you're on the fence and have a few bucks laying around, get one for your compatible device. I'll try my best to let others chime in now![]()
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
LOL. I've only used mine to watch Direct TV's Sunday ticket. I use my tablet most of the time now, and I even use it for Sunday Ticket as well. I got mine for $50 as well last year, but it just sits in my closet gathering dust.
Does anyone know how to zoom out in Google Maps? I can double click to zoom in, but can't seem to figure out how to zoom out.
Also, how do I zoom in and out in Chrome? I saw a thing when I first started using it saying I could use CTRL+(+) to zoom in, like you would on a desktop PC, but that doesn't work. I tried CTRL+scroll wheel and it didn't do anything.
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
You can zoom in and out by clicking on the "+" or "-" in the lower right corner of the map display.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
The only way I've seen to change display size (in Chrome or otherwise) is to change between webtop (normal) and phone (zoomed) modes.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.