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Nice find!
I bought this dock for $50 a while ago when the VZW stores were getting rid of their stock. Quite the deal. I got an inexpensive usb wireless mouse for it and use it when I travel.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
So how does it connect?
You need to make sure it fits the configuration of your phone. The Razr Maxx and Atrix (both Motorola) have the power and micro hdmi ports together on the phone. The dock has a cable that fits into a slot along the back and the connector on the cable has the two male components to connect to power and hdmi.
There is a padded slot behind the screen that holds the phone.
Anyone considering purchase should look for the compatible phones otherwise the connector won't match. I know it is compatible with the Razr and Razr Maxx, Atrix 2, there may be others - newer phones may be compatible but not listed because the lapdock is "older" technology.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
I figured it wouldn't work with the M (no HDMI port).
Motofreak - it will definitely work with the Razr. You may have to play with how the phone sits in the holder behind the screen (I think the dock was originally designed for the Atrix 2).
Here are some tips that I've found useful once you get things set up.
1. Get a cheap wireless usb mouse. It makes web surfing a lot easier than using the touchpad on the docking station.
2. Load an alternative launcher (I use Apex but it doesn't matter). Set up a smart action to launch the alternative home screen launcher when the phone is docked. Reason for this is you will want a different screen set up when docked than when using the phone. The only way I saw to do this was by using a separate launcher.
Let us know how you like it - or - if you have different set up ideas.
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.
Does Jelly Bean still have webtop? I might look into this...
fury� - not helping the situation since 1987
Sometimes You're The Hammer And Sometimes You're The Nail.
It Is More Fun Being The Hammer, But You Learn More Being The Nail.